How do I apply
We have over 3,800 purpose built and refurbished properties for rent and low cost ownership in over 80 communities.
If you are interested in a tenancy with us, you must apply via the Highland Housing Register. This single housing list is operated by the six main providers of affordable rented housing in the Highlands: Albyn Housing Society, Cairn Housing Association, Lochaber Housing Association, Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association, and The Highland Council. You only need to apply once and you will be considered for housing by any of the housing providers with stock in your chosen area(s).
Anyone who is age 16 or over may apply for housing by completing a form (though there may be restrictions on us accepting your application if you have come to Britain from abroad).
You can apply for housing online
If you cannot access online services, you can download an application form or collect a paper copy from our office or from any of the other Highland Housing Register landlords.
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