Customer feedback received between 1 April and 30 June 2015
How many complaints have we had?
25 complaints were received between 1 April and 30 June 2015.
Stage 1 complaints
21 of these complaints fell within the first stage of the complaints process (frontline resolution). 2 complaints were still being dealt with after the end of the period. Of the 19 closed complaints, 13 were resolved within the timeframe. None of the complaints was equality-related. Of the 19 closed, 1 was fully upheld, 3 were partially upheld and 15 were not upheld.
Stage 2 complaints
4 complaints were dealt with as Stage 2 of the complaints process because they required detailed investigation. All 4 complaints have been resolved. 1 complaint was closed outside of the timeframe allowed. 2 of the complaints received were equality-related. Of the 4 complaints closed, 2 were partially upheld, and the remaining 2 were not upheld.
The full report is attached here: Customer Feedback Report April to June 2015