Annual General Meeting 2020: Outcomes

We held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) last night on Wednesday 16 September.

Due to the Corona virus pandemic and the restrictions placed upon public gatherings, our AGM this year was held virtually. The Corporate Governance Insolvency Act, introduced by the government to enable organisations to hold virtual AGMs, placed some restrictions on how we went about the meeting. The most significant being that attendees were not allowed to participate in the meeting, except if a vote was required.

Because of this restriction on participation, we asked attendees to submit any questions to us in advance of the meeting. We also welcome further questions you might have about the content of the evening and work of Albyn – you give these to the Corporate Team by emailing:  or calling: 01349 801 007

We know that holding our AGM virtually may have excluded some of our tenants and members who do not have access to the internet, and so we made the decision to limit the agenda of the meeting to only the business that needed to be discussed.

Our Board Chair Maxine Smith gave her report on progress during the year, highlighting what had been a rewarding yet challenging year for Albyn.

Following this, attendees heard from Albyn’s Chief Executive, Lisa Buchanan, who outlined the work being done to support tenants and staff in light of the ongoing pandemic and set out the plans for the future of Albyn.

Our Annual Report 2019-2020 summary document features the Chair of Board and Chief Executive Reports. This document is only available online, but if you would like a printed copy sent to you, please contact our Corporate Team.

At the meeting two Board members stood down in accordance with the Society’s Rules and both were re-elected.  They were Jim Convery and Ian Fosbrooke.

Three Board members had resigned during the year, leaving us with seven Board vacancies. Our recent recruitment drive for new Board members had provided us with five candidates for Board membership who were duly elected at the AGM. They were Carl Patching, Clea Warner, Nicola Drummond, Fiona Mustarde, and Isabell McLaughlan.

The following office bearers were confirmed:

  • Chair: Maxine Smith
  • Vice Chair: Carl Patching
  • Company Secretary: Ian Fosbrooke