Annual General Meeting 2017: Outcomes

Tuesday 12 September 2017

We held our Annual General Meeting last night (11 September 2017).


Those attending enjoyed hearing an interesting speech about new models of engagement and participation from our guest speaker Kelly McBride of The Democratic Society (far right in the photo below, next to L-R Douglas Russell, Calum Macaulay and Robin Nairn).


Our Board Chair Douglas Russell gave a positive update on Albyn’s progress during the last year, and noted that the Society has just embarked on a large house-building programme.  He thanked the staff for all their hard work in achieving the year’s positive outcomes.

At the meeting three Board members stood down in accordance with the Society’s Rules and all were re-elected.  They were: Maxine Smith, Erin Grant and Jim Convery.

Gavin Sinclair retired from the Board at the meeting.  Douglas warmly thanked Gavin for all his hard work on the Board, and presented Gavin with a token of the Society’s appreciation.


This leaves three vacancies on the Board.  Board members are considering co-opting new members, who may then be voted onto the Board at next year’s meeting.  If you are interested in joining the Society’s Board, please see further information at this LINK.

Our Chief Executive and Chair gave presentations which are contained in our Annual Report summary document. This can be accessed here: Annual Report 2016 17  This document is only available online. If you would like a printed copy sent to you, please contact our Corporate Team (email LINK).

The following office bearers were confirmed:

  • Chair: Douglas Russell
  • Vice-Chair: Erin Grant
  • Company Secretary: Maxine Smith