Board and management

The Albyn Housing Society Board oversees our strategic priorities and the delivery of great services for our customers. On a day-to-day basis, Albyn's Leadership Team oversees the service delivery.
The Boards of our subsidiaries, Highland Residential Ltd and Albyn Enterprises Ltd, consist of independent Directors and parent group Directors.
How to become a member of the Board
Our Board Recruitment Process sets out how you can become a member of the Albyn Housing Society Board.
Recruitment opportunities for both the Albyn Housing Society Board and our subsidiary Boards are always advertised on our website.
If you are interested in joining the Board of Albyn Housing Society or one of our subsidiaries, please contact the Corporate Governance Officer for more information by emailing,or telephoning 01349 801 007.
Remits of the Board and its Committees
Albyn Housing Society Board Remit
Audit and Risk Management Committee Remit
Highland Residential Ltd Articles of Association
Code of Conduct
Albyn Group Code of Conduct for Board Members
Albyn Group Board Member Register of Interests