Customer Feedback July to September 2017
How many complaints have we had?
18 complaints were received between 1 July to 30 September 2017.
Stage 1 complaints
15 of these complaints fell within the first stage of the complaints process (frontline resolution). All 15 of the complaints were dealt with before the end of the period. Of the 15 closed complaints, 13 were resolved within the timeframe. 1 complaint was equality-related. Of the 15 closed, 3 were fully upheld, 6 were partially upheld and 6 were not upheld.
Stage 2 complaints
3 complaints were dealt with at Stage 2 of the complaints process because they required detailed investigation. All 3 complaints were dealt with before the end of the period; with 2 being resolved within the timeframe. 1 complaint was fully upheld; 1 partially upheld; and 1 not upheld.
The full report can be found here: Customer Feedback Report July to September 2017