Annual General Meeting 2021: Outcomes
We held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, 29 September 2021.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, our AGM was held with limited attendance this year, to avoid community transmission of the virus. We asked Society members to nominate a proxy to represent them at the meeting instead of attending in person, and we restricted the agenda of the meeting to those items that needed to be discussed.
Our Acting Chair of Board Carl Patching gave his report on progress during the year, highlighting what had been a rewarding yet challenging year for Albyn.
Our Annual Report features the Acting Chair of Board and Chief Executive Reports. We have also published the approved minutes from last year and Financial Statements for the year. These documents are only available online, but if you would like a printed copy sent to you, please contact our Corporate Team.
At the meeting three Board Members stood down in accordance with the Society’s Rules and all were re-elected. They were Donna Smith, Ian Fosbrooke, and Raymond Bremner. Two Board members had resigned during the year, leaving us with three Board vacancies. Our recent recruitment drive for new Board members had provided us with one candidate for Board membership – David Cargill – and he was duly elected at the AGM.
Office Bearers will be confirmed at the first meeting of the Board, to be held on Tuesday, 5th October 2021.